Celebrate the cultural history of San Juan Capistrano!
The history of San Juan Capistrano encompasses more than just the beautiful Mission San Juan Capistrano!
Join members of the local community on Sunday, September 16th to celebrate the indigenous cultures of this famous city in an exciting, 4th annual event that will include native music, dancers, and more.
The Mexican/Latino and Indigenous Community Celebration will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Historic Town Center Park, located at 31806 El Camino Real.
The free community event, hosted by the City and CREER Comunidad y Familia, will celebrate the town's native cultures with talented performers, cultural dances, demonstrations, exhibits and more. Attendees are asked to bring blankets and lawn chairs. Food will be sold in the park.
To learn more about this special celebration, call Heidi Ivanoff at the City's Community Services department: 949.493.5911.
Also, individuals who are interested in the history of San Juan Capistrano are always welcome to visit our library's reference desk and ask us to unlock our California History room for you. We will be delighted to recommend titles from this old and rare collection providing intriguing facts about historical San Juan Capistrano.
Join members of the local community on Sunday, September 16th to celebrate the indigenous cultures of this famous city in an exciting, 4th annual event that will include native music, dancers, and more.
The Mexican/Latino and Indigenous Community Celebration will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Historic Town Center Park, located at 31806 El Camino Real.
The free community event, hosted by the City and CREER Comunidad y Familia, will celebrate the town's native cultures with talented performers, cultural dances, demonstrations, exhibits and more. Attendees are asked to bring blankets and lawn chairs. Food will be sold in the park.
To learn more about this special celebration, call Heidi Ivanoff at the City's Community Services department: 949.493.5911.
Also, individuals who are interested in the history of San Juan Capistrano are always welcome to visit our library's reference desk and ask us to unlock our California History room for you. We will be delighted to recommend titles from this old and rare collection providing intriguing facts about historical San Juan Capistrano.
And if you haven't done so already, don't forget to take a walk through 200 years of San Juan Capistrano architecture. Our Friends of the Library group sponsors weekly guided walking tours that are given every Saturday at 10:00a.
The walk and talk, which features unique adobes and Spanish-era dwellings, covers about a mile on level ground and lasts 90 minutes. A donation of $5.00 per person is requested with all proceeds supporting our library.
To register for this tour, call 949.489.0736 and meet at the train depot on Verdugo Street at 10:00a on Saturday. In addition to these regularly scheduled walks, special arrangements may be made for groups of five or more to have tours on other days.
Learn more exciting ways to celebrate San Juan Capistrano history this weekend-- or any day-- by visiting the history page of city's newly renovated website or the San Juan Capistrano Historical Society.